Tuesday, 13 October 2015


(Yet) another simply gorgeous morning. Clear sunny skies, and sharp nip in the air. Light breezes so no mist or fog to speak of and all of those breezes seemed to be in my face as I ventured out on another 18 mile loop on me bike.

Before I set off I had a bowl of porridge enhanced with walnuts, raisins, chia seeds and manuka honey. I've become a real porridge fan over the last year or so (milk, not water, since you ask) having spurned it ever since I had an experience that scared me off it when I was having my tonsils out as a young child (mum will remember how old I was, 5 maybe?). When I say real porridge, I should say that I use the measured pouches into which you measure your milk/water before microwaving it. I don't go for the old skool 'pan on the hob' method.

Thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Felt very strong again, with none of the oomphlessness I had last week.


By now, I'd been expecting my hair to start coming out - not that I'm wishing mind - so I thought I'd treat you to another selfie.

A rather intense stare - I need to soften that a bit for fear of scaring off readers - and you will notice that the hair is shorter than the first pic and that's because I asked Pheebs to shave it for me. I think it'll be less of a shock to go from short hair to no hair. Here's hoping  :0)

To finish off, here's a random pic from my flickr stream to try and lessen the impact of the fearsome one above.

From L-R: Frida Kahlo, Pheebs, Me, Gel, back of Gel's head. MOMA, NYC 2015.


Kay Stowell said...

You're getting Dave Stowell hair, grey ...no almost white and very short. Shorter when you forget to put the guard on before you shave as dave did a few years ago. I didn't want to be seen with him outside for a couple of weeks.

Pig said...

Sounds to me as though you are eating Oats so Simple the porridge for wimps. When you get onto the hard stuff I have a spare spittle you can have.

Unknown said...

Brilliant blog today - how you managed to mesh hair and porrisge (not physically of course) is beyond me!