Tuesday, 6 October 2015

"I'm going for a short ride, I may be some time..."

This is where I had my non-underwear breakfast yesterday. The Yonderman Cafe, near Tideswell.

I quite like the photo - it has a Edward Hopper feel to it - but can't help but think it would be improved if there were a person in it. I might have to go back and have another go.

There was quite a firestorm on the comments below my post yesterday about Bakewell Pies (also known as Bakewell Pudding). Everybody will have heard of a Bakewell Tart (defined by Wikipedia as: an English confection consisting of a shortcrust pastry with a layer of jam and a sponge using ground almonds.). But maybe not so much the Pie/Pudding (defined as: a dessert made using flaky pastry, with a layer of jam covered by an egg and almond filling).

Anyway, here is the 'Bakewell' that I bought, and consumed, yesterday.

Rather splendid it was too. If I go back and shoot in the cafe, I probably ought to go and get another set of pie/puddings.....or maybe I could manufacture my own. Hmm.

On returning home I did 'manufacture' some tea in the form of Broccoli and Stilton soup.

You may notice a theme of soup making here. Not quite sure what's brought that on, but it's so easy and nutritious it seems silly not to. I have a few future soup recipes I have my eyes on.

And so to the title of today's blog. It's a rather pointless reference to Capt Oates self sacrifice on the doomed Scott Antarctic expedition of 1901-1904. After a week out of the saddle I thought today might be a good time to go for a short ride. The day started warm and sunny, so I had no excuse not to really. I did one of my usual routes out towards Knutsford, through Chelford and back down the Alderly Edge by-pass. Crikey O'Reilly did I find it hard. I could tootle along on the flat, but when I needed some power up the inclines (it would be a sin to describe them as hills) there was nothing there.

I can't believe it was down to simply having had a week out of the saddle, so it must be that the chemo is having a much greater impact than I realise. I'll give it another go later in the week, but need to be very mindful of that balance between keeping active, and not overdoing it.

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