Thursday, 29 October 2015

Not Yet(i)

Yesterday afternoon I took the opportunity to knock off a culinary classic, French Onion Soup

I hope this was nice for Gel to return to after a visit to her mum in Coventry, who has not been very well recently.

When it comes to cooking, I'm from the "find a recipe and follow it slavishly" school. Where that doesn't work so well is if there is a little je ne sais quoi missing. I don't immediately know what might be a good addition....

Still, this one was ok, and went down well.


We arrived home in nearly new Skoda Yeti today. But not our Yeti. Due to a, ahem, clerical error, our car was not ready when we expected it to be, so we were offered an interim Yeti. Newer than ours (only 200 miles on the clock), and a 1.2L petrol rather than our 2.0L diesel but nice nonetheless. 6 gears however, which seems a bit like having an amplifier that goes to 11...."It's handy when you get to gear 5 but need to go to 6...."


Hat of the Day

111.9p a litre. Costco are doing it at 101.9p.

Anyway, that's deviation, as Nicholas Parsons would say. Today's hat is my San Diego Padres Spring Training hat. I went to Arizona in 2005 to see Phoenix, to see Sedona, to see the Grand Canyon (yes it is grand), and to visit the Peoria Spring Training home of San Diego and (if memory) serves Milwaukee Brewers.

We went to two games, and during one as we wandered around the outfield, Pheebs was very surprised when we were watching some pitchers warm up in the bullpen, and one of the catchers came over at the end and gave the ball to Pheebs, rather than all the young boys shouting for the ball. She had no interest in it. I traded her for it. A small toy I recall. It's in my Baseball Museum in the attic.

Over the intervening 10 years I've had regular eMails from the Peoria Training Complex asking me if I wanted to buy Spring Training season tickets. It seems they've sold on the eMail list as the Mayor of Peoria has also started sending me eMails.


We now have a dog as well as two kittens

they seem able to coexist quite nicely.

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