Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Today there is no news.....

Oh, I did that title yesterday.

So kitten update: there was a small amount of chaos in the utility room this morning. They are currently housed there overnight. Litter tray had been used, food consumed, apron on the floor having been 'interfered with' at some point in the night.

Poussey was asleep behind the hoover again, while Boo found the back of the washing machine was a good place for a zizz.

Having retrieved them from their respective hidey holes, they quickly relaxed and a day of playing and petting has ensued. As I type they are both spark out on a cushion next to the settee.


Today has been quite quiet. I picked up a couple of NY pics I had framed, and signed another mount, which I promptly sent off to have something else appended to it. I'll let you know when I get it back.


I also embarked on a minor frenzy of cooking, producing a beef stew with dumplings and creamy mashed potato:

and a Date and Walnut cake:


McGlee said...

Should have dropped in for afternoon tea! Date and walnut.....yum!

McGlee said...

Should have dropped in for afternoon tea! Date and walnut.....yum!

Unknown said...

Im getting envious of all that food! It features highly in the blog - flapjacks, cakes, bakewell puddings, stews etc. Maybe this is a cookery blog masquerading as something else! Alos envious of the photo of the bridge on lhs of the phto today - can we set it in splendid isolation please? Was it from NYC also (it looks like it!)