Saturday, 28 November 2015

Teh internets

A couple of years ago, Pheebs posted a picture on teh internets - I think it was on tumblr - which we watched go viral. To date the picture she posted has over 200,000 likes (or whatever the tumblr equivalent is). This astonished us. 

I share my pictures on Facebook and flickr, and have never had a sniff of a viral. I suspect the rule of teh internets is that it can smell an attempt to go viral and does something to stymie it. 

On Thursday I posted a few pictures of a jazz musician I'd been to see the previous night. You saw some of them on my blog. Over the last 24 hours something weird has happened and my phone has been binging away like a mad thing. Every time someone "favourites" an image, or makes a comment I get a notification. 

This image:

is on my flickr page, and I shared it in a Leica group I'm a member of, and it has so far attracted a little over 4,000 views, and 138 "favourites".  You can see how the growth in the interest is almost exponential. I'll let you know how things go from here.


Today Gel was delivering one of her "Life Planning for the Over Fifties" courses up at the Guild with her friend Annette. I decided to have a photographic outing, and I fancied taking in a seaside town in the off-season. So I headed up the M6/M55 to Blackpool. The day started with glorious clear skies, but as I got closer to my destination, the clouds gathered, and the wind rose. By the time I got there it was foul. Worse than foul, actually. By the end of my visit I was cold and had been soaked by a wave breaking over the prom. I haven't had a chance to edit any of these beyond a cursory crop and contrast boost.

Central Pier with North Pier in the background.

Blackpool Tower

North Pier detail.

The tide came in and wind strengthened, churning the sea.

Some optimistic fishermen. Any fish that close to the shore were more likely to be bludgeoned against the prom, rather then caught on a hook.

Trying to be Saul Leiter (ha!).

Albert, the Sally Army man. Came from Belfast in 1951. Still has the accent, so he does.

As you can see, things were getting pretty wild just before I set off for home.


Since I started writing this blog, the image has attracted 150 more views and a couple more "favourites".

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