Friday, 13 November 2015

Sleep, perchance to dream

Yay! It's here.


As I have mentioned previously, on the day before, and the day of, my chemo, I have to take a steroid called Dexamethasone, which is to help stave off any allergic reactions to the drug.

The side effect is that it makes me a bit "whizzy". So on Wednesday I had my four pills for brekkie, and another four for me dinner (that's the meal in then middle of the day for you non-northerners).

Wednesday evening was photo club night (where I picked up a certificate for 4th in the DPI Colour section of our annual comp) followed by a trip into Manchester to pick up Pheebs from the Ritz where she and her mates had been to see Fidlar (pics to follow).

After getting home I settled into bed and lay awake ALL NIGHT. Actually, I must have drifted off a bit, but it felt like I'd lain there watching the hours left available to me for sleep gradually slipping away. Yesterday I was feeling a touch jaded, as you might imagine, and so had decided I needed to ensure I had some help in getting to sleep last night since I'd been ingesting more Dexamethasone.

Step forward, Night Nurse. Mmmmmmm, slept like a log. Feel great today.


When I went into Manchester on Wednesday I did so thinking I might take my camera and get a few pics. My experience of gigs (stretching back to 1978 with my first gig at the Free Trade Hall to see Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers) was that the pavement outside would be littered with vendors selling knock-off t-shirts and other memorabilia. I thought the lights from the venue would light up the vendors against the dark(er) street.

However when I got there, there were no vendors and the outside was set up to ensure the the audience exiting the venue did not interfere with the other pavement users. All very civilised and a little disappointing but it didn't stop me taking a few snaps. Very slow shutter speeds meant that many of the shots of the punters were unusable....that and not being very interesting.

Junction of Cambridge Street and Whitworth Street looking towards Oxford Road.

Tunnel under Oxford Road Station towards Great Marlborough Street.

The outside of The O2 Ritz on Whitworth street.


When I was in bed at first, the "Cheeky Monkey" cats escaped from the utility room, where they sleep at night, and joined us on the bed. After an aborted attempt to lock them away, we wondered whether it was time to allow them to sleep "wild" in the house. After they had jumped on my head and licked my ear, I realised they weren't quite well behaved enough, so locked them up good and proper.

Gratuitous kitten shot of the day.

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