Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Tuesday - Bike Ride Day?

No this Tuesday. Which was a bit of a pity as it was a glorious start to the day. However, on Sunday I did my usual ride (usual-ish as I stopped at Sainsburys on the way home to do some shopping), and then carted some logs around. Some really heavy logs.

Something twanged in the top of my leg, I think I described it in the Monday blog and by Tuesday it still wasn't right. It didn't seem sensible to go out yesterday. As it happens I also have a sore throat and am a little wary about going out if I'm going down with a cold.

So instead, having had a coffee with Gel, and sorted out some admin, in the afternoon I went for a gentle walk (overall yesterday: 18,000 steps and 13.48km) with Gel, Running Dave and Sally Dog.

Running Dave and Gel walking through the Peat Beds.

Sally having a swim in Rossmere.

Sally must run 4 or 5 times further than we walk and is in constant motion. It is very wet and muddy underfoot and by the time we'd reached the lake she was filthy so Dave managed to encourage her to take a bath. Several times. I think we could have been there all night if she'd had her way.

Sally is a rescue dog, and came into Dave's life after his previous dog, also a Collie, passed away. Skip had been everywhere with Dave and it was a terrible time for him, so Sally appeared at a good time. It's not been easy though as Dave has really had to work hard on ironing out a few behavioural issues. She's not bad, just a bit naughty. Recently though there seems to have been a significant improvement which has justified all the work Dave has put in. She still pulls like a bugger when she's on the lead, but off it is much more manageable.

And shake off the water.

It was a splendid walk. Cold and yet bathed by the sun. We finished around 5 o'clock and the sun was dipping down and you could already feel the cold creeping in. So a couple of hours later when we walked to downtown Wilmslow with C and D for a curry, it was freezing. So a curry was the right solution.

It was a great end to a good day. C and D were great company, and added to some lovely food, it was a good day.

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