Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Superbowl Monday

This time, 19 years ago, I was half way across the Atlantic. What I had forgotten was that this was the holiday where I met Brian and Patti Lux.

Caroline and I had been on a "backstage tour" of the Walt Disney Wilderness Lodge and went to the bar for a drink afterwards. Sitting at the bar were Brian and Patti, who had also been on the tour, and we fell into conversation.

We've kept in touch and have met up - if my memory is reliable - three times. Twice in Boston, and once in Dublin.


I think staying up late didn't agree with me much. I'm not sure it ever did actually. Anyway, the weather was pretty foul, so staying in wasn't such a hard decision.

For tea I roasted some chicken breasts, Hasselback potatoes and peas. I didn't roast the peas, that doesn't sound like a sensible option.


I like to garnish my blogs with pictures. Usually pictures that I've taken, and I have a stock of lovely cat pictures to use if I haven't anything relevant.

Irrelevant cat picture #34

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