Friday, 30 September 2016

Back in the saddle again

No, not on my bike. Nor have I taken up equestrianism. Not a literal saddle, but today I went with Gel and Jen for a day in Buxton, and I not only took my camera, but took a few pics as well. Not very good ones, I grant you, but for the first time in yonks I felt good enough to scamper around and take a few. It felt very good to have my camera on my shoulder again, and to be looking for photo opps.

Hopefully as I get a bit stronger and my eye gets over the ring rustyness that a few months off must cause, then hopefully the quality might improve too.




Here are a couple from May which must have predated all that pain malarky.


Stockport Rothko

As you can see, none of these are exactly going to set the world alight, but they are quite precious to me as I hope it signals the start of an avalanche of (slightly better) tat for me to foist on you.


Unknown said...

Excellent, welcome back!

Unknown said...

So good to see you back in action!

Sara said...

🙏🏻 x

Anne Windsor said...

Good, new photos to look at, more please! x