Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The Hunter

We've got two cats. Boo, a black male, and Poussey and black and white female. He is big cat, not over endowed with brain matter, she is small and appears to be higher up the clever scale. Lucky for her.

We've wondered if they were to start hunting more than just flies and bees, which would be the first to succeed. Well this morning we got our answer. Pheebs was looking out at the garden and noticed that Boo was scuttling about with something in his mouth. At first we thought a frog, so we went out and tried (successfully) to rescue what turned out to be a wee mousie.

Boo gave up his treasure without much of a fight and the poor thing, while shocked, seemed unhurt when I released it on the other side of the garden. Boo then thundered around perhaps pumped up with a surge of adrenalin.

Poussey watched on, a little bemused, but joined in a little of the thundering about before retiring to the latest cat favourite sitting point outside.

I suspect they like it because they can sit outside and observe the world but keep dry and warm. At one time they've both settled down together. Awwww.


We then went over to Congleton and visited one of my favourite places, Little Moreton Hall.

It's a National Trust property which was built in 1504 and was pretty much finished by 1610. In it's entire life it has never been sold, passing down the Moreton family until the National Trust took it on in 1938.

This bay window was installed in 1559 and at the top of the window you can see that the "Carpender" (carpenter) Rychard Dale was allowed to put a small advert above the window. The word carved says "Carpeder" but just above the E and D is a blob which indicates a missing N.

The next line is just a bit like Twitter with a character limit, he must have run out of space so it says "BY THE GRAC OF GOD".

If you haven't been, then I'd highly recommend it.

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