Thursday, 3 December 2015

Don't touch that dial

Ding, ding. Seconds out. Round 4.

Here I am, once again blogging live from the treatment centre on Oak Road.

Rubbish nights sleep thanks to the dexamethasone and hormone treatments, but slightly better than the cycle before. I've been advised that getting a Sage Leaf supplement is good to counteract the hot flushes. If this turns out to be true, it should be a huge improvement. Fingers crossed.


I don't know if you've all been following it, but last night was the concluding episode of Murder Detectives on C4. It is a fly-on-the-wall documentary and followed the police and families in the aftermath of the murder of a young man in Bristol.

If you haven't seen it I'd recommend it. It's very tense as the police pursue various suspects and assess the huge amounts of evidence that comes in. It also shows really well the value that the beat bobbies have. The guy who walks the streets of Bristol that was the home to the young lad is able gather 'intel' about the atmosphere in the area, as well as provide great background about the suspects and their families.


Off to Coventry tomorrow to see Bridie (my mother in law). FIngers crossed that the weather and traffic are kind.

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